FTC Bans Non-Compete Agreements. Good Riddance.

This week the FTC announced a new, nationwide rule banning non-compete agreements in employment. The agency estimates that it will “generate over 8,500 new businesses each year, raise worker wages, lower health care costs, and boost innovation.”

There are some reasonable arguments that the rule doesn’t survive legal challenges that the FTC acted beyond its power. But I do think this will inevitably mark the end of widespread use of them.

If you’re wondering how bad these can really be, read this account of a Florida lawyer, Jonathan Pollard, who’s represented employees on this very issue.

50 million Americans or more are subject to or have been subject to bogus non-compete agreements. The estimates of how many people are subject to non-compete agreements are way too low. Just because you don’t hear about non-compete agreements in a certain business or industry doesn’t mean they aren’t there. They are.

What I’ve Learned in 7 Years of Defending Poor People Against Bogus Non-Compete Agreements | Pollard Law

Volunteering Makes People Happier

Do happy people give, or does giving make people happy? Studies that link happiness to generosity sometimes measure only correlations. But this UK study from a few years ago shows that people who volunteer become happier over time as a result of their volunteering, happier enough to be equivalent to an $1,100 extra income each year, on average.

“But does volunteering make people happy, or are happy people simply more likely to volunteer? The researchers found the same results even when they accounted for participants’ initial levels of well-being before they started volunteering. In other words, people who started to volunteer became happier over time.”

How Volunteering Can Help Your Mental Health | Greater Good Science Center

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Blowing the Whistle • Tyler Shultz • s01e04

Blowing the Whistle • Tyler Shultz • s01e04

“The real trade secret was that there was no secret.” Elizebeth Holmes—Founder of Theranos—raised billions of dollars in startup capital. The entire company failed to produce a functioning technology, putting customer’s lives in danger and defrauding investors. Tyler Schultz recounts his harrowing experience as a young graduate

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Hey! I'm Aaron

John Doe

I'm a teaching professor at BYU, where I teach, write, and speak about business ethics and social innovation.

I love helping people bridge the gap between intention and impact.


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