Protecting the People Who Expose Fraudulent Science

I’m so incredibly proud that this new legal defense fund is being hosted at University Impact. The fund’s purpose is to protect whistleblowers who call out fraudulent science, a big problem over the last few years.

“A Silicon Valley investor has pledged $1 million to help pay the legal costs of scientists being sued for flagging fraudulent research. Yun-Fang Juan, an engineer and data scientist by background, hopes the new Scientific Integrity Fund—the first of its kind—will make speaking up about wrongdoing less intimidating.”

I’m board chair and a co-founder at UI, and one of our big goals is helping philanthropic capital move more easily into needed areas like this one.

Congratulations to the UI team for making this happen. We’re also very grateful to Yun-Fang Juan for trusting UI as the place to make this happen.

Science integrity sleuths welcome legal aid fund for whistleblowers |


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Written by

Aaron Miller

Aaron Miller

Provo, UT