Deep Gladness and Deep Hunger

Stealing another insight from Jonathan Reckford’s speech to our MPA students last week, here’s a beautiful idea on finding your calling.

“The place God calls you to is the place where your deep gladness and the world's deep hunger meet.”

The quote comes from the theologian Frederick Buechner, but this essay points to him and other authors that were new to me. Read it for a spiritual uplift and resonant ideas.

Frederick Buechner on Calling |

A Blessing of Discontent, Anger, Tears, and Foolishness

Last week in our MPA program where I teach, we had Jonathan Reckford (CEO of Habitat for Humanity International) speak to our students as our Administrator of the Year awardee. At the end of his speech, he shared a blessing that I loved but didn’t catch the attribution for. After a little digging, I was able to find it. I hope you love it as much as I do.

A Non-traditional Blessing 
May God bless you with discontent with easy answers, half-truths, superficial relationships, so that you will live from deep within your heart.
May God bless you with anger at injustice, oppression, abuse, and exploitation of people, so that you will work for justice, equality, and  peace.
May God bless you with tears to shed for those who suffer from pain, rejection, starvation and war, so that you will reach out your hand to comfort  them and to change their pain to joy.
May God bless you with the foolishness to think you can make a difference in this world, so that you will do the things which others tell you cannot be done.
If you have the courage to accept these blessings, then God will also bless you with:
happiness—because you will know that you have made life better for others
inner peace—because you will have worked to secure an outer peace for others
laughter—because your heart will be light
faithful friends—because they will recognize your worth as a person.
These blessings are yours—not for the asking, but for the giving—from One who wants to be your companion, our God, who lives and reigns, forever and ever. Amen.
Sister Ruth Fox, OSB

A Non-Traditional Blessing | The Sacred Braid

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Blowing the Whistle • Tyler Shultz • s01e04

Blowing the Whistle • Tyler Shultz • s01e04

“The real trade secret was that there was no secret.” Elizebeth Holmes—Founder of Theranos—raised billions of dollars in startup capital. The entire company failed to produce a functioning technology, putting customer’s lives in danger and defrauding investors. Tyler Schultz recounts his harrowing experience as a young graduate

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Hey! I'm Aaron

John Doe

I'm a teaching professor at BYU, where I teach, write, and speak about business ethics and social innovation.

I love helping people bridge the gap between intention and impact.


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